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Priscilla Jacobo

Moreno Valley, CA


I decided to take a hike on a warm sunny day. As I ventured deeper into the tranquil wilderness, I found myself surrounded by the serene beauty of nature. The sunlight filtered through the thick foliage, casting an ethereal glow on the winding trail. Suddenly another hiker's footsteps were muffled by the soft hum.

The hiker paused, stood tall and majestic, exuding an aura of pure serenity and benevolence. Their appearance seemed to transcend the boundaries of the physical world, as if they existed on a higher plane. Dressed in all blue without a single hair on his body, he said he had a message from God for me.

At that moment, he said God has heard all my prayers and everything is going to be okay. He touched my shoulder and was cold as ice. He mentioned everything I had reluctantly prayed for and told me to never lose hope. I was losing faith days before this encounter happened. I thought how can God let me go through all these things I was facing if he was real.

Awestruck by this divine presence, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and reassurance washing over me. I knew I had an encounter with an angel and from that point on I have faith and reassurance that God is indeed, faithful.

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